Source code for mafipy.calibrator.sabr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

import mafipy.function

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SABR calibration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _guess_alpha_from_vol_atm(underlying, vol_atm, beta):
    guess alpha from volatility at the money
    by using Hagan's approximated atm implied volatility.

    .. math::
        \ln\sigma(F, F)
            \\approx \ln \\alpha - (1 - \\beta) \ln F

    :param float underlying: must be positive.
    :param float vol_atm: volatility at the money. This must be positive.
    :param float beta:

    :return: alpha.
    :rtype: float.
    assert(underlying > 0.0)
    assert(vol_atm > 0.0)
    ln_underlying = math.log(underlying)
    ln_vol_atm = math.log(vol_atm)
    one_minus_beta = 1.0 - beta
    ln_alpha = ln_vol_atm + one_minus_beta * ln_underlying
    return math.exp(ln_alpha)

[docs]def sabr_caibration_simple(market_vols, market_strikes, option_maturity, beta, init_alpha=None, init_rho=0.1, init_nu=0.1, nu_lower_bound=1e-8, tol=1e-10): """sabr_caibration_simple calibrates SABR parametes, alpha, rho and nu to market volatilities by simultaneously minimizing error of market volatilities. :param array market_vols: market volatilities. Middle of elements in the array must be atm volatility. :param array market_strikes: market strikes. Middle of elements in the array must be atm strike. :param float option_maturity: :param float beta: pre-determined beta. beta must be within [0, 1]. :param float init_alpha: initial guess of alpha. Default value is meaningless value, 0.1. alpha must be positive. :param float init_rho: initial guess of rho. Default value is meaningless value, 0.1. rho must be within [-1, 1]. :param float init_nu: initial guess of nu. Default value is meaningless value, 0.1. nu must be positive. :param float nu_lower_bound: :param float tol: tolerance of minimization. :return: alpha, beta, rho, nu. :rtype: four float value. :raise AssertionError: if length of `market_vols` is not odd. :raise AssertionError: if length of `market_vols` and `market_strikes` are not same. """ assert len(market_vols) % 2 == 1, \ "lenght of makret_vols must be odd" assert len(market_strikes) == len(market_vols), \ "market_vols and market_strikes must be same lenght" # atm strike is underlying underlying = market_strikes[int(len(market_strikes) / 2)] vol_atm = market_vols[int(len(market_vols) / 2)] if init_alpha is None: init_alpha = _guess_alpha_from_vol_atm(underlying, vol_atm, beta) # parameter check assert(underlying > 0.0) assert(vol_atm > 0.0) assert(0.0 <= beta <= 1.0) assert(init_alpha > 0.0) assert(-1.0 <= init_rho <= 1.0) assert(init_nu > 0.0) # 3-dim func # (alpha, rho, nu) def objective_func(alpha_rho_nu): sabr_vols = [mafipy.function.sabr_implied_vol_hagan( underlying, strike, option_maturity, alpha_rho_nu[0], beta, alpha_rho_nu[1], alpha_rho_nu[2]) for strike in market_strikes] return np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(market_vols, sabr_vols)) ** 2 result = scipy.optimize.minimize( objective_func, [init_alpha, init_rho, init_nu], method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=((0.0, None), (-1.0, 1.0), (nu_lower_bound, None)), tol=tol) alpha, rho, nu = result.x return alpha, beta, rho, nu
def _is_real_and_positive(val): """_is_real_and_positive :param complex val: :return: True if `val` is real and positive. :rtype: bool. """ if np.isreal(val) and val > 0.0: return True return False def _find_alpha(underlying, option_maturity, vol_atm, beta, rho, nu): """_find_alpha find value of alpha solving the following polynominal equation with respect to alpha. .. math:: \\frac{ (1 - \\beta)^{2} \\tau }{ 24F^{2-2\\beta} } \\alpha^{3} + \\frac{ \\rho\\beta\\nu\\tau }{ 4F^{1-\\beta} } \\alpha^{2} + \left( 1 + \\frac{ 2 - 3\\rho^{2} }{ 24 } \\nu^{2} \\tau \\right) \\alpha - \sigma_{\mathrm{atm}} F^{1-\\beta} = 0 :param float underlying: :param float option_maturity: :param float vol_atm: :param float beta: :param float rho: :param float nu: :return: mininum real positive root of the equiation. :rtype: float. :raise ValueError: if there is no positive real roots. """ one_minus_beta = 1.0 - beta one_minus_beta2 = one_minus_beta ** 2 numerator1 = one_minus_beta2 * option_maturity denominator1 = 24.0 * (underlying ** (2.0 * one_minus_beta)) coeff1 = numerator1 / denominator1 numerator2 = rho * beta * nu * option_maturity denominator2 = 4.0 * (underlying ** one_minus_beta) coeff2 = numerator2 / denominator2 numerator3 = (2.0 - 3.0 * rho * rho) * nu * nu * option_maturity coeff3 = (1.0 + numerator3 / 24.0) constant_term = -vol_atm * (underlying ** one_minus_beta) coeffs = [coeff1, coeff2, coeff3, constant_term] roots = np.roots(coeffs) # find smallest real roots positive_real_roots = [ root.real for root in roots if _is_real_and_positive(root)] if len(positive_real_roots) == 0: raise ValueError(""" Find no real positive roots for alpha: underlying: {0}, option_maturity: {1}, vol_atm: {2}, alpha: {3}, beta: {4}, rho: {5}, nu: {6}""".format(underlying, option_maturity, vol_atm, roots, beta, rho, nu)) return min(positive_real_roots)
[docs]def sabr_caibration_west(market_vols, market_strikes, option_maturity, beta, init_rho=0.1, init_nu=0.1): """sabr_caibration_west calibrates SABR parameters to market volatilities by algorithm in West, G. (2005). Calibration of the SABR Model in Illiquid Markets. Applied Mathematical Finance, 12(4), 371–385. :param array market_vols: market volatilities. Middle of elements in the array must be atm volatility. :param array market_strikes: market strikes corresponded to `market_vol`. Middle of elements in the array must be atm strike. :param float option_maturity: :param float beta: pre-determined beta. :param float init_rho: initial guess of rho. Default value is meaningless value, 0.1. :param float init_nu: initial guess of nu. Default value is meaningless value, 0.1. :return: alpha, beta, rho, nu. :rtype: four float value. :raise AssertionError: if length of `market_vols` is not odd. :raise AssertionError: if length of `market_vols` and `market_strikes` are not same. """ assert len(market_vols) % 2 == 1, \ "lenght of makret_vols must be odd" assert len(market_strikes) == len(market_vols), \ "market_vols and market_strikes must be same lenght" # atm strike is underlying underlying = market_strikes[int(len(market_strikes) / 2)] vol_atm = market_vols[int(len(market_vols) / 2)] def find_alpha(rho, nu): return _find_alpha(underlying, option_maturity, vol_atm, beta, rho, nu) # 2-dim func # (rho, nu) def objective_func(rho_nu): alpha = find_alpha(rho_nu[0], rho_nu[1]) sabr_vols = [mafipy.function.sabr_implied_vol_hagan( underlying, strike, option_maturity, alpha, beta, rho_nu[0], rho_nu[1]) for strike in market_strikes] return np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(market_vols, sabr_vols)) ** 2 result = scipy.optimize.minimize( objective_func, [init_rho, init_nu], method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=((-1.0, 1.0), (0.0, None))) rho, nu = result.x alpha = find_alpha(rho, nu) return alpha, beta, rho, nu